Friday, April 24, 2009

Some Fun Things About Nora at 20 Months

I realize that things are definitely about to crazy around here. With a twenty month old and a newborn, I am going to be quite busy, quite tired, and quite stressed! I have been cherishing the past several months with Nora because I know that both of our worlds, but especially hers, are fixing to change. Never again will it be just the two of us during the day. As excited as I am about my little boy's arrival, I will miss these days with my precious baby girl. God has been so good to us in our sweet Nora and we love her so much.

I wanted to write down a few things that she is doing these days so that I don't forget amidst the pending chaos. Also, these things always bring joy to my heart, so it will be helpful to document them so I can look back and recall all of the adorable things she is doing at this stage.

**Nora's girliness is still so apparent. She loves lotion, makeup, shoes, purses, hairbows, and clothes. She likes to pick out her pajamas at night, and one of my favorite things is when she finds my lotion and brings it to me to put on her.

**Nora is turning into quite the music lover. She is constantly singing her own "songs" or asking me or Jonathan or anyone else for that matter to sing her songs. Her current favorites include "The Wheels on the Bus," "The Sing Sing Song" from Elmo's World (which has many variations), "Honey, Honey" which is from the Mamma Mia soundtrack, and "The Tummy Song" which is a Bert and Ernie number about rubbing your tummy and patting your head. Seriously, I sing these in my sleep.

**Coloring is about the coolest thing we can do on any given day.

**She is getting so good at playing outside at the playground. As my mother-in-law pointed out just the other day, she is almost out of the toddling stage. Her walking has improved so much in such a short period of time, and she is officially walking like a big girl. My bones hurt watching her play at the park, but I know she needs to learn how to climb and play (safely) on her own. It's bittersweet to watch her master these things!

**Nora's vocabulary and memory continue to amaze us. She has just started putting simple sentences together, which just blows my mind. I wonder if Liam will be a quiet one since Nora will probably dominate their conversations. Her newest expression is, "Um....Guess so." Most of the time, it's hysterical because she uses the expression correctly, but I'm not convinced she knows what she's saying because other times it doesn't make any sense in regard to what I ask her.

**She's a Momma's girl. This is difficult at times, especially being that I am quite pregnant. I know the transition of having a new baby in the house will be difficult for Nora for a while, especially because she is so attached to me. Jonathan and I have spent much time talking about this, trying our hardest to mentally prepare ourselves for the difficulties that await us. We are praying that the Lord will give us grace in this area. Grace for patience, endurance, faithfulness in loving, caring for, disciplining, and training her. I also pray that God will give me wisdom so I know when Nora needs special attention and comfort. Whew, I am overwhelmed just thinking about it. Please keep us in your prayers.

**She's turning into a Daddy's girl. This couldn't make Jonathan any happier. He is so smitten with his little girl, and they have such good times together. I have a feeling that Nora will cling to her Daddy even more in the future as I am busy caring for Liam.

20 months. Wow, it seems like yesterday that I was 38 weeks pregnant for Nora. I pray that even with all of the craziness that's about to occur that we will be able to cherish our children and the little things that make them so special.

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