Monday, January 3, 2011


Well, well, well!  We were pleasantly surprised to find out this morning that Baby #3 is indeed a GIRL!  I was so certain that it was a boy until we went in for the ultrasound.  The ultrasound tech listened to the heartbeat and told us it was at 173 bpm, and I knew.  GIRL.  Sure enough, the anatomy scan showed that we are blessed with another baby girl.  We are so thrilled!

We stopped by our favorite cupcake place called The Cupcakery (in Bearden) and brought a little white box over to the grandparents' house where both kids were while we are at our appointment.  We let Nora open the box to discover if a pink or blue cupcake was inside, and much to their surprise it was pink!!!  Nora was so excited and kept saying, "How exciting!  Thank you, Mommy.  Thank you!" 

We are so blessed and knew that God would give us what He deems best for our growing family!  I can't wait for all things pink and dainty and frilly and soft.  Jonathan's reaction after a minute was, "Poor Buddy Man!"  I guess those two will have to do some hunting and shooting and other manly stuff when the estrogen starts overflowing over here.  Here's to one more for Team GIRL!  Wahoo!


Laura said...

aw fun! dave had a similar response...he still wants levi to have a brother:). so exciting!

Unknown said...

I was hoping it would be another girl!!

Unknown said...

So excited for you! Now Liam gets to be a big brother for a sister (I always wanted a big brother) and Nora gets to get a big sister to one of each. :-)

Melanie said...
