Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I am.

One of the projects we are currently working on for Nora's class is an "All About Me" packet filled with information all about Nora these days.  We are recording her favorite things, her likes, her dislikes, her friends, her family, and all kinds of details about herself.  She has to write the letters she can write, the numbers she can write, and the shapes she can currently draw.  She has to draw a picture of her room, herself, her family, and her teacher.  One of the last things we worked on was an "I Am Poem."   It was so precious to complete with her that I decided to go ahead and try it with Liam.  However, almost all of his responses were super silly.  Here is Nora's:

I Am Poem

I am a person.
I wonder if Liam is going to wrestle with me.
I hear my brother being crazy.
I see with my eyes Liam watching me.
I want a stuffed animal called Twilight Sparkle.
I am a girl.
I pretend I'm a princess.
I feel happy.
I touch my baby sister.
I worry about crying and not distracting anybody.
I cry because I get in trouble.
I am a human.
I understand that God is bigger and stronger.
I say good things to Lydia, Layla, and Leah.
I dream about going on a date with Daddy.
I try new healthy food.
I hope that Elijah gets better.
I am my family's favorite big girl.